
Emerald, a precious gemstone known for its vibrant green colour, has been revered for centuries for its healing properties. This gemstone is not only visually stunning but also holds a range of physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits.

Physically, emerald is believed to have a positive impact on various ailments. It is said to support the cardiovascular system, promoting heart health and regulating blood pressure. Additionally, emerald is thought to aid in the recovery from infectious diseases and boost the immune system.

Emotionally, emerald is known to have a calming effect on the mind and emotions. It is believed to promote emotional balance, alleviate stress, and enhance mental clarity. This gemstone is often associated with love and compassion, fostering harmonious relationships and promoting loyalty.

Spiritually, emerald is considered a stone of wisdom and intuition. It is believed to enhance spiritual growth, deepen meditation practices, and connect individuals with their inner truth. Emerald is also associated with abundance and prosperity, attracting wealth and success.

When used in the form of a birthstone candle, the healing properties of emerald can be further amplified. The combination of the soothing candlelight and the energy of the gemstone creates a serene and nurturing environment, promoting overall well-being.

At Rose & Rune, we take pride in crafting birthstone candles that incorporate the healing properties of emerald. Each candle is carefully made with vegan and eco-friendly materials, ensuring a sustainable and luxurious experience. Whether you are looking to celebrate a birthday or simply enhance your living space, our emerald May birthstone candle offers a unique and thoughtful way to bring positive energy into your life.

Experience the healing power of emerald with our May candle and create a serene sanctuary in your home. Illuminate your space with the vibrant green glow of emerald and let its healing properties envelop you.